

Special christmas offer flower shop Sao Paulo Brazil, we are really florist in Sao Paulo, the best service, same day deliver and live help whatsapp +5533999612577 or +5511964831618

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Christmas Bouquet
Christmas Bouquet, flower to Sao Paulo ,   bouquet is a winter wonderland of frosted pinecones, red roses, white spray stock and greens. 3 red roses 3 white spray stock 3 snowflocked pinecone picks ( or similar ) 3 stems of g..
$57.00 (R$277.63)
Classic Christmas Basket
A beautiful classic  basket for Christmas, that's the perfect combination for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The right choose to gift your partners in business, family and friends.  01 Panettone Bauducco 500g 01 Almaden win..
$95.00 (R$462.72)
Red Poinsettia Plant
Send this classic red poinsettia plant for holidays, the christmas flower in deep red tones is the perfect gift for work partners, family and friends.   ..
$50.00 (R$243.53)
Wine & Bauducco Panettone
A special kit for christmas so you can send to Sao Paulo. This kit contains a bottle of Chilean Wine (or similar) and Bauducco Panettone (500gr) ..
$70.00 (R$340.95)
Wine basket
basket with two Chilean or similar wines, excellent gift for friends and family. 2 chilean wine (or similar) Basket ..
$99.00 (R$482.20)

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